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Rowland Counselling

face-to-face therapy | outside therapy | online therapy. 07422 651829
Here are my reflections on life and living. I won't tell you what you should do or think. I'll just tell you what I'm learning and what I'm struggling with. Because learning is power and the unspoken is usually what tangles us up.

4 min read
Wishing you a happy or a joyful Christmas?
When we write our Christmas cards, the choice may seem irrelevant. Particularly in the rush to complete another job. However, with a...

4 min read
Mystical Experiences
This is the first part of my workshop, Invitations from the Mystics, to be given at this year's Association of Christian Counsellors'...

4 min read
When problems don't go away
I come across problems all the time as a counsellor: it’s why people see me. Equally - though I often prefer to ignore this fact - I have...

5 min read
What's a Christian Therapist? ... And Am I One? Part 3
For me, my faith has to have room for all my parts. The thinking and feelings parts. The active and contemplative parts. The free and...

7 min read
What's a christian therapist? ... And am I one? Part 2.
In part 1 (, I made the claim: A...

4 min read
What's a christian therapist? ... And am I one? (part 1)
This blog treads on ground I usually try to avoid. The question, ‘What’s a christian therapist or counsellor?’ I find hard to answer. At...

2 min read
What fills our cups? Lessons from sharing an empty cup of tea.
How do we find meaning? Here is what I learned from sharing an empty cup of tea with my son.

4 min read
A dad's pause
“Freedom is the capacity to pause in the face of stimuli from many directions at once and, in this pause, to throw one’s weight toward...

2 min read
The third reflection following a process group centred around making sense of the war between Russia and the Ukraine. In these, I am...

2 min read
Peace in pieces
This is the second reflection I wrote down following a process group whose conversation centred on the war between Russia and the...

2 min read
The tyrant within
Process groups are hard. If you’ve never attended one (and they are a counsellor-y thing to attend!), they are, in effect, a group of...

3 min read
Merely the word evokes so much feeling: terror and pride; grief, horror and floundering confusion; compassion, camaraderie as well as a...

5 min read
Searching for meaning?
It seems to me that the more we search for the meaning of our lives, the more it proves both necessary and yet elusive. The pain of this...

6 min read
Finding Our Meaning Again
Life is full of meaning and emptiness. Acknowledging this paradox of the human experience and our experiences of it is necessary for...

3 min read
Empty and full: living with the human condition
‘Meaningless! Meaningless!’ says the Teacher. ‘Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.’ (Ecclesiastes, 1:1) Another rendering is...

4 min read
Depth perception
We’re used to seeing in 2D. Social media, TV, newspapers (if anyone still reads them) crush humans onto a 2-D medium. And often not...

5 min read
Learning to be trustworthy III: learning to still hope
Can I trust you? This strikes at the heart of encounters. ‘Can I trust what you say? That you won’t let me down? That you care? Do I need...

4 min read
Learning to be trustworthy II: learning to be reliable and competent
Trustworthiness is perhaps the most crucial characteristics for being a therapist¹. Trust is perhaps the most crucial characteristic for...

3 min read
Learning to be trustworthy I: Learning to be honest
I don’t trust you. You can’t be trusted. Such accusations hit us hard. They strike right at our sense of who we are. We often react with...

3 min read
Doing Me
This week I was sharing with a colleague a struggle I was having at work. They’re not a therapist, but their response was as good as it...
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